
Cooperation between PetrSU and Kajaani University of Applied Sciences

The Institute of Forestry, Mining and Construction Sciences of PetrSU and Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (Finland) organized and held the international research and practice seminar “Issues of Cross-Border Cooperation”.

The Institute of Forestry, Mining and Construction Sciences of PetrSU and Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (Finland) organized and held the international research and practice seminar “Issues of Cross-Border Cooperation”.

At the event, the teachers and employees of the two universities met each other and discussed potential ways for cooperation.

The program of the seminar featured an introduction to the Institute of Forestry, Mining and Construction Sciences. In particular, Aleksey Petrov, the head of the Department of Technology and Construction Management, told the guests about the educational programs in the area of construction, while the deputy director of the Institute Sergey Kilpeliainen talked about the activities of the Institute in the field of machine engineering and forestry.

At the Innovation and Technology Park of PetrSU, the head of the Department of Innovation and Production Olga Derbeneva introduced Finnish guests to the innovations of the university, and the director of the Automation Systems Center of PetrSU Anton Shabaev told them about the projects in IT-technologies and presented the Opti-Soft company.

Then the representatives of Finnish university learned more about the activities and facilities (research, production) at the Nanocenter of PetrSU, and during their visit to the Institute of Physics and Technology, the Department of Mining, PetrSU-Ponsse Center, the Engineering Center for Energy-Preserving House Construction (OOO Energy-Efficient House Building), Laboratory of Robotics (OOO Unitronika), and the Students’ Business Incubator.

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