
PetrSU Scientists Created Multimineral Complex for Citizens of Northern Regions

Scientists of Petrozavodsk State University, the Flagship University of Karelia, developed a multimineral complex for prevention and correction of elemental imbalance in citizens of northern regions and the Arctic.

“This complex reduces the burden of disease in the people of Karelia related to calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium deficiency. The complex does not contain synthetic vitamins, is produced in capsules to be taken by mouth,” said Irina Vinogradova, manager of research in multimineral complex developed at the Laboratory of Preclinical Studies, Cellular Pathology and Bioregulation of the Institute of High Biomedical Technologies.

All minerals of the complex, among which are calcium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, efficiently compensate for elemental deficiency characteristic for northern regions.

PetrSU scientists carried out research in which they studied macro- and microelements in citizens of Karelia by analyzing the composition of their hair.  Then they compared the findings with similar results among citizens of the central part of Russia. As it turned out the majority of young people (20-25 yo) who took part in the research have a deficiency in calcium, magnesium, sodium, as well as in indispensable microelements cobalt and iodine. People over 60 yo have a surplus of toxic mercury and lead in hair, as well as a deficiency in over 10 elements among which are calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, etc.

In order to prevent and rectify found deficiencies, PetrSU scientists propose mineral complex that has only those elements deficient in the region. They developed and patented the multimineral complex for the citizens of northern areas.

“Unlike available mineral agents, the one created at PetrSU contains minerals, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, in a half recommended daily dose which allows efficiently compensate for the elemental deficiency. Moreover, most multimineral complexes sold have vitamins that can provoke allergic reactions or hypervitaminosis in people who do not have a deficiency,” specified Irina Vinogradova.

The work of PetrSU scientists is included in the complex of research related to studies of adaptation of people and organisms of various taxonomic groups to the extreme conditions of the Arctic within the “Strategy for Development of the Arctic Region of Russia and Provision of National Security until 2020”.

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